Friday, December 19, 2014



Fisrt step to asking about quantities "how many?"

The students were familiar to the phrase as I chose this song while teaching numbers.:

I chose a simple video to warm up students :)

It's both familiar and simple.

I asked at the end of the video "How many cakes?"
Almost all the students gave the answer "Ten."

And then I simply talked about plural "-s" with visuals.

I split the classroom into six groups. 
Each group is for each Classroom object.

 And I made up a very very short story:
 It's Autumn. It's windy outside. ( wind blows here :) )
The leaves of the tree flap around. Now You are the one who pick up the leaves again and bring the Spring. :)

And then I gave them 30 seconds to pick up the leaves and stick them on the board.

They picked up and sticked the leaves very quickly. And they took an"-s" and sticked it, too.

The big "-s" snake visited all the words and gave them a photo of itself as a present. And we said the word with "ssssss" at the end because of the snake :D

Wooow! they got tired :D

So, it's song time to relax and have a rest.

we listened to the song and made a little change.

Look, pencils! How many pencils?
One pencil, two pencils, three pencils

bla bla bla..

we sang it together and asked a friend :
how many erasers?

he counted the erasers :)

we asked how many rulers?

he counted the rulers :)

We relaxed and and learnt.

We enjoyed and learnt together.

In the end we create our tree and revised the "how many?" while sticking the leaves to the tree.
the result:


before  the school:

after the school :

I hope you will also enjoy the way of teaching with this game.

You can use some different videos such as:



It's up to you :)