Saturday, December 13, 2014


Hey, everyone!

Spin the Wheel!

I made a Wheel of fortune for my  3rd graders.

We had fun and reached our aims.
We used the Wheel of fortune for the revison of the previous year vocabulary.
-          Fruit
-          School objects
-          Animals
-          Colors
-          Etc….
I didn’t imagine how useful and enjoyable it could be but it was really useful for the revision.
I decided that It will be a part of my classes.
I loved the Wheel of fortune because it gave a chance for active participation. I really surprised that all of the 3rd graders were standing and raising hands for asking the question or giving the answers.

Students also learnt the aimed vocabulary for this unit:
-          Spin!
-          Ask!
-          Answer!
-          Spell!

We ENJOYed and LEARNed!!!

wheel of fortune materials:
colored craft papers

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