Saturday, December 13, 2014



Hi again!
This week I introduced classroom objects to my students.
I used flashcards, geniue objects and poster.

We repeated the words for the correct pronunciation and played a game for the effective learning. I’m working with young learners so I generally use videos, games songs and etc.
I believe in the power of the games with young learners.

I’m here with a game again.
We played and had really fun with the game.


Here is the original of the game:
1.       Split the classroom into two teams.
2.       Give each sheriff nd bandit a number.
3.       Place the classroom objects in the middle of the teams.
4.       Call out and object and say anumber. Eg. Pencil-5
5.       Bandits and the sheriff run. If the bandit manage to pick up the object and run back to his place, s/he calls out “I’ve got….”
6.       If the sheriff manage to catch the bandit, S/he call out “I’ve caught….”
( I’ve made little change here: Sheriff asked the question “What’s that? The bandit answered: “That’s a ….”)
7.       The game continues until all the objects have been stolen.
8.       Then 2nd round starts with exchanging roles. 

( We drew lots to determine the groups)

Sheriff  badges

Number 3- the sheriff and the bandit

Ps: Be ready for the noise and distruption by the other teachers. Don’t forget to make the rules clear for all the students before playing the game otherwise there will be a chaos in the classroom.

With the morning group we pushed to play outside because of the noise :D
No matter where we were, we had fun!

the little sheriffs are waiting for the start :D

What did we learn by the game?
     Recognize the classroom objects
  Ask the question “what’s that?” and give answers.
Revise the numbers 

What happened in the end?

He had a lot Fun!


We were exhausted :D

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