Tuesday, March 25, 2014


This is our trendy watch trade mark :) 
My students and I really like making our new phrases watch(NPW) -this is what we call it- :)
The aim of this watch is clear: to make the learners remember what they have learned  during the last class. For example; we learned the greeting phrases last week and we made NPW. They wore it during the last week.
So, they could see the phrases again and again which means they have practiced the phrases at least a few times ;) and now many of them can say and write the phrases correctly.
The best point is that: The students like reviewing what they learn because it's just a game and fun for them ;)


It's really easy. I use a plastic water bottle's bottom and draw a circle. I cut it as you see in the picture. 

Then students write the new phrases in the circle. And the enjoyable part is the decorating time :) The students decorate the watches. 

We glue the watches and wear them :)

I hope it will work for you...

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