Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Hi again :)

I have two simple games for the "Colors" subject.

The first one is.....

1. Students choose 5 different colors and put them on the table. 
( we used crayons and colored pencils for the activity but it's up to your students. They can use any colored material..)

2. They use a book or notebook as the BINGO card.

3. It's your turn now. You say different colors and students put it on the book/notebook. 

4. When s/he put all the colors s/he has chosen, s/he say loudly:"BINGO!"

5. S/he is the winner :)

Simple material but very enjoyable and exiting for especially very young learner such as my 2nd grader :)

Have you ever played SPUD?
 Yes, the second is..

I've just adapted it to the "colors" subject. ;)


Spud is a popular tossing and catching ball game played by at least 4 players or more. One player has the ball and the others gather around. The player throws the ball straight up in the air, while calling out a name of one of the players. The called player has to try to catch the ball, while the others run away as fast as they can.  When the called player catches the ball, he is allowed to throw it back in the air, while calling out another player’s name that then has to try to catch the ball. If he doesn't catch the ball then he has to pick it up and call loudly: "SPUD". Everybody has to freeze. The player with the ball chooses an opponent to hit with the ball and he can take two big hops towards his victim. If he hits his opponent with the ball the opponent receives the letter "S". If he misses or his victim catches the ball, then the thrower gets the letter "S". The penalized player starts the next round by throwing the ball up. As the game goes on, the players receive first S, then P, then U and then D. The first player who receives all four letters SPUD is the loser. A very popular and easy ball game to play with kids. 

What did I change?

The part in Italic has changed a little.
( In fact, it's the way how we play it in Turkey)

"The player with the ball chooses a color and calls it out. At that time the other players try to find the color . When they have found it, they have to touch it. While the players are trying to find th color,the player with the ball tries to hit one of the players before touching the color." 
And it goes on the same way. :)

We call this game "İSTOP" in TURKEY :)

It's really easy to play and enjoyable. 
But you need a good weather condition and a ball

like this one :)

See you next time :)


1 comment:

  1. Simple material but very enjoyable and exiting for especially very young learner such as my 2nd grader :) online bingo
