We learned some simple actions such as :
dance, sing, jump,....... and etc.
I didn't use mother tongue for the actions.
I wrote them on the board and drew the pictures for the actions.
I gave enough time for my little stars to write and draw :)
After they finished, we repeated the words for correct pronounciation.
We acted the actions.
(It was enjoyable.)
The pictures...
Here comes my perfect drawing talent :p
And I have really talented students such as :
And "Let's ...." is our grammer focus.
With 2nd graders -of course- I had a game to teach the "let's...." phrase.
And I'm sure that
I did it :)
I prepared a simple dice at home and took it to the class in a bag.
-the faces of the dice again with my perfect(?) pictures :)))-
When the students asked me, I said "It's a surprise".
After all the students finished writing, we went outside :) (In fact, I tried to play the game in the classroom
but in a minute
the teacher in the next classroom came and said:
"Auch! Sorry! Was it You? I thougt there wasn't a teacher in the classroom. Sorry again!"
We ran out and played the game.
1. Make a circle and put the dice in the middle.
2. We have a super simple song for the game:
walking walking walking walking
hop hop hop hop hop hop
running running running running running running
now let's stop.
3. I changed it a little.
walking walking walking walking
hop hop hop hop hop hop
swimming swimming swimming swimming swimming swimming
now let's ................
4. when you say "now let's..." , just stop.
5. One of the students take the dice and throw it.
6. Say the action. eg. "Let's jump"
7. All of them act it and you start singing again: walking .... :)
8. When all the students throw the dice one by one, it's finished.
My energetic 2nd graders really loved it
and now thay can all say an action using "Let's ...."
As I mentioned before I love TPR method especially with young learners so this game is an alternative way of applying TPR in the classroom to teach simple actions.
It worked for me and my students :)
Enjoy it!!